Month: August 2015



This weekend’s project from Apartment Therapy basically flew right under my radar until I visited a friend on Saturday and saw her gas stove’s burner grates sitting on the counter in Ziploc bags. I immediately felt guilty for ignoring the weekend project, especially since my own burner grates are flat out disgusting. I have scrubbed them countless times and ruined enough sponges that I finally concluded that they were just going to stay sticky and gross until I got around to replacing them. But my slightly less immediate feeling was eager wonderment. What was this woman doing with her burner grates?

I was all casual like, “oh, are you doing the weekend project?” But in my head I was like “I can see that you are up to something magical here, and I want in!” But I didn’t have to beg to get the secret spell. She even handed me the ammonia as she told me how to fail it myself.

I went home and put my own grates in one-gallon Ziploc bags, which are basically the perfect size for the grates, added a tablespoon of ammonia, and sealed them up. Then I left them overnight.

I expected this to turn the gunk on my grates into slightly less gooey gunk, but it actually turned the gunk into brittle little flakes of stove-top shellac that I sloughed off with a brush. And I cannot tell you how satisfying that was. This is going to sound completely insane, but this was the best cleaning experience of my life. It was magical. That is all.